Ashleigh has had a big week at her house.... Cinnamon (her dog) and Dexter (our dog) had their first litter of puppies. 4 of them on Tuesday! The kids love them already and they have all been named. Spike, Rebel, Jello and Peanut. Below is Peanut... he was the runt of the bunch and too small and weak to make it thru his first day :(

Ashleigh called me on Wednesday not knowing what to do... we were both heart broken for poor Cinnamon she was so worried about little peanut but couldn't do anything for him. As I was on the phone with her we were both so sad at this little puppy we already loved so much that wasn't meant to stay. I got off the phone with her so they could do a little burial for Peanut. I was telling Ray how sad I felt for Cinnamon and that Ash and I both know what its like to feel so helpless as a mother and despite all our efforts our babies we'ren't ment to stay. Just then Ash sent me a text saying "I guess now Malia & Blaze have a puppy to play with" I burst into tears and called her so sad to loose a baby no matter if you're a human or an animal we certainly miss little peanut.
Our babies no doubt are loving their new little puppy peanut and we're glad they have a little puppy to love! We love You Malia & Blaze!!