I am so far behind in posting these pics but we took Blaze and Easter basket... the first time we had been to his grave since Christmas... My sweet parents and Uncle Kirk have been checking in taking Balloons and flowers in our absence we are SOOO Grateful for wonderful family who loves our little boy like we do! So here are some pics from Easter we took him a little Easter basket and ducky... we love duckies and are pretty sure he would too :)
Wonderful Ray he is such a good Dad! I am so blessed to have 2 wonderful boys in my life!
I'm not sure what my face is doing I don't really love taking pictures at Blazes
grave its not very easy WE MISS HIM SO MUCH!
Blazes cute little ducky and basket... we filled the eggs with rocks to weigh them down. A darling little duck for our angel. We LOVE YOU BABY!
We are grateful for Easter and the celebration of the resurrection of our Savior knowing our little Angel is with him and we will be reunited with Blaze again.
As a way to honor Blaze we want to make a difference in others lives this month especially. Also to honor our little boy we would like to invite you to reach out to those around you those you know and those you may not... watch for others in need and be willing to help them in small ways or big ones. We would love for you to share with us what you have done to bless others or what others have done to bless you. How has it made a difference in your life?
We are all in this thing we call life together and one hand helping another can take us a long way. We have been so blessed to feel the love of so many those we know and those we have never met thank you for praying for and for blessing our little family especially this last year. We are grateful for you! Help us in paying it forward to make this world better as an honor to our angels Maleah and Blaze. Because of them we believe in something greater and blessing others as we have been blessed. WE LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for helping us make a difference and sharing it with us!
As a man once said for a small act of service to us " God Bless You" and my response to my wonderful husband was "I know he will, he already has" I feel the same as we serve God will bless us... he already has :) Bless You!